Developers of renowned and prominent PROJECT FINANCE SOFTWARE and CMA data SOFTWARE

General and Common Email IDs:
We are in the process of extending our sales net-work, and if it suits you, and could spare time for the purpose, we would be GLAD to WELCOME you for improving andStrengthening our sales network. You may please contact Dilip/Hardik/Kamal.

Software Support Services:

Technical and Subject Support Services
    Dilip N. Shah (M/Wa: 9106735899 and 9099735899)
    Hardik Mehta (M/Wa: 9099046655 and 9724434423)
    Kamal Waghela (M/Wa: 9099046633 and 9909965030)
Email IDs:

Our Assurance:

  • We assure you of 100% success run of software at your end.
  • Our services are not just restricted to technical aspects, but even extendedto all subject aspects whether it is simple/small or it relates to the intricateand complex subject matter.
  • If any financial explanation is required, in respect to any query an and if you so feel, it is essential and need to be referred to us, then we shall have a look in toand provide you with a suitable and appropriate solution.
Note : Software is provided with “Relevant Context, Note and Guide” at all input context making the relative explanation and clarification, thereto itselfIn the first instance, it is a request to go through the relative context note and this would, in most of the cases, would get the things explained in the right perspective.Few Examples Cited of “Context Note and Guide”, herein below

Few Examples Cited of “Context Note and Guide”, herein below

1. BEP:
You are provided with good options for arriving at BEP.
You may opt for BEP workings, considering
Either Net Sales Value of OUPUT/PRODUCTION
OR ACTUAL Net sales value,
as revenue stream.

BEP as per given variability structure
You may define your own variability structure for the varied income and cost elements and BEP will be arrived as per stated variability structure.

You may also decide as to what extent miscellaneous income is to be considered for BEP workings.
The package will work out for all years
  • Net Contribution,
  • P/V ratio,
  • BEP,
  • Cash BEP,
  • Margin of Safety,
  • Cash Margin of Safety
  • Max Utilisation year
  • BEP (%age of Installed Capacity - at Max Utilization Year)
  • Cash BEP (%age of Installed Capacity - at Max Utilization Year)
2. IRR-Internal Rate of Return:
IRR-Internal Rate of Return
You may / may not opt to get IRR calculated.
If yes, state whether you want IRR; limited to the re-payment period of term borrowings or for the entire economic life of the project. Besides, you have very good option to add-back the varied financial charges, separately for each of the long term borrowing category.
Thus, this will enable you to get the IRR
    as Project/Funding IRR or
    as Project/Funding IRR or
You may consider the RESIDUAL VALUE of TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS and INTANGIBLES (Goodwill / Brand / Patent / Copyright / Trademarks / Trade Names / Design Logo, etc) in IRR calculation, as per various residual value options, given in the ASSETS RESIDUAL VALUE SCREEN (8th Button from Last)
Further, all IRR calculations will be available, separately as for Pre-Tax IRR Post-Tax IRR with all the details of year wise cash inflow, cash out flow and its discounting factors.
    Pre-Tax IRR
    Post-Tax IRR
With all the details of year wise cash inflow, cash out flow and its discounting factors.
3. Sensitivity Analysis:
Sensitivity analysis may be worked out with the user defined two given percentages (plus and minus) with respect to both, sales income and raw/main material consumption/cost.
The default values are 2.00% and 4.00%, which may be altered, as required.
4 pages, detailed reporting on Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity Analysis is just not restricted to Net Sales, GP and PBT, but very much extended sensitivity analysis to resultant PAT, resultant DSCR, resultant BEP, resultant ROCE/ROI, resultant ROE/RONW, etc.
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